Emotional Freedom Techniques aka EFT

Emotional Freedom Techniques aka EFT

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Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) also known as tapping can be very simply explained as acupuncture for the  mental & emotional bodies.

EFT was discovered in the 1960’s in America  with the knowledge of energy meridians from the ancient eastern philosophy along with the works of Sigmund Freud in modern psychology.

EFT is now widely used all across the world and it has cured many ailments and diseases which were declared incurable by allopathy & modern medicine.

By tapping on the body’s energy points, along with other inputs, EFT triggers your body's powerful natural healing response that heals physical, emotional and mental pain, permanently.

Scientific studies have proven EFT's effectiveness for physical, mental and emotional problems like anxiety/stress, depression, fears and phobias, financial blocks, addictions, excess weight, low self-esteem, sleep disorders, IBS, multiple sclerosis, allergies, inferiority complexes, eating disorders, migraines, fibromyalgia, Diabetes, inferiority complexes, physical, emotional & sexual trauma

Science of EFT

We tap & stimulate specific acupuncture points aka the energy meridians. While tapping we use a Reminder Statement that sends an energy signal to our cerebral & cellular memory to recall & process the emotional pain and learn the necessary experience from it. We fill this empty space with source energy or white light and our energy becomes lighter. Some people experience dizziness & nausea when the energy is more.

'Tapping gives you the delete button for pain'

Application of EFT

We are born in a society that is mostly based on fear. 'There is not enough for everyone' is a dangerous belief and creates the sense of competition in the society. This is the root cause for all chronic stress. We are conditioned by the society to live this never ending drama from a very early age & souls that are stuck in it till they are old, realize that their life had no meaning.

With regular & committed EFT practice it is possible to live in a continuous blissful experience throughout life. This means that you enjoy all walks of life feeling happy & relaxed no matter what happens because the tapper processes the emotional pain, learns from it, realizes & raises the vibration. The life experience also changes as the vibration shifts. To learn more about this read the blog on law of attraction.


https://yoga5d.com http://bit.ly/2NXxkWa


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